Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Saturday Morning- Indian Style..

Saturday Morning- Indian Style.. 

Unlike the Saturday I spent in Paris, a few years back, here's yet another Saturday morning, in my own motherland- very different yet flutters my heart with the same anticipation..

Guess that's life, it presents one with a new attire every single day, never to repeat what we've worn before- thus, I accept the gift whole heartedly and see how good this fits me 

Waking up to the sounds of ths newspaper man shouting 'peyyperrr' at the top of his voice to pass the message to the entire neighbourhood all at once, but today being a Saturday, I still have the luxury to drift right back in my sleep though.. yippee!!

Sounds of prayer from a distant mosque plays the trick on me again and I give up, waving good bye to dear sleep until later in the afternoon probably 

Breakfast needs to be self made, nothing sumptuous like the Parisien experience, but a fulfilling one.. bread fried eggs and a wholesome glass of milk- umm..not bad!

Laundry is to be done and this is where I miss home the mosssst!! Its a Saturday, and that's a day dedicated to grocery shopping  Fruits, Veggies, Milk, Eggs, Bread, Fish- the bong in me probably looks forward to this part the most.. and woah! I find a nice fresh catch at Spencers' - Rohu and prawns 

The next few hours are going to be 'cooking time', so I put ny apron on and take your leave until I get back with my prawns recipe... 

Until then- enjoy the best- est day of the week..!!

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