Wednesday, 11 September 2013

The swing

While growing up I used to often visit my Grandparents (Mom's Parents), for sleepovers. They had a small little house with a front porch and there was this old style cane swing. I would wish not to go back home only coz of the sad feeling of having to stay away from that swing for another couple of days. As grandparents are, mine pampered me too, with all the love and gifts and blessings they had and guess what, I soon got an even bigger swing for my next birthday! A wooden swing, like the one in parks or schools.. 

It was beautifully set in our lawn, and was supported by iron rods on both sides, further decorated with fragrant creepers twining it by my Daddy Dearest 

I used to spend a lot of 'Me-Time' as a child and thus, the swing soon became my haven of refuge..

I would sit and think, watch the gardener doing up the pots and trimming the bushes, listen to music and read, sometimes draw.. though I was pathetic in that 
I remember swinging to my heart's extent on tormenting sunny afternoons when everyone else enjoyed their afternoon siesta.. such was the craze of this swing of mine..

The swing made a squeaking sound that would almost give me a headache sometimes, if I concentrated on it too much.

That swing was part of my growing up. However, as we grew up a lot of renovation happened and now the swing is placed somewhere in a scrap godown in the backyard..

And today when I saw this picture on someone's page, I recalled all those past experiences.

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